Wednesday, July 8, 2015

DIY: Sea Salt & Rosemary Farmer's Cheese

Feel like you grew up on a farm with five ingredients! This cheese is so easy to make, you won't believe it!

All you need is:
  • A gallon of whole milk
  • The juice from at least one lemon
  • Sea salt
  • Rosemary
  • A cheesecloth
First bring your milk to a boil in a large pot, adding rosemary and salt to taste.

While you wait for the milk to boil, squeeze your lemons. I might not have needed this much lemon juice, but I wanted to make sure it curdled enough.

After the milk is heated, stir in the lemon juice. The milk should start to curdle and separate. The curdles are the cheese, and the leftover liquid is the whey.

Pour into a strainer, lined with cheesecloth. You can tie the cloth to a spoon and suspend it over a bowl to drain out all of the liquid.

After you strain as much whey out as possible, put the cheese in plastic wrap and squeeze into a round shape.

The cheese itself has a light flavor and a soft texture. You could use other herbs and flavorings to mix it up a bit. You could probably use other milks as well, but I'm not sure.
We also made homemade butter. If you've never made butter, you have to try it, Especially with children.
All you do is put heavy whipping cream in a jar with a pinch of salt. And then shake shake shake shake shake! The butter separates from the buttermilk, and voila! Homemade butter!

This stuff is addicting! We put some on saltine crackers and it was gone before we knew it!


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